Here & Now | The October Link Up - Join In!

Loving // The return of some cooler weather, probably our last cool snap before summer kicks in
Eating // Spaghetti and meatballs (or at least I was last night) - simple food, made well, is always the best!
Drinking // Tea (no surprises there!)
Feeling // Happy with myself for mastering another skill, however small, with the camera. I've finally been brave enough to drop my aperture all the way to f/1.8 and f/1.4! (On my 50mm lens for those interested).
Making // The very last leg of my unicorn
Thinking // How housework seems never ending
Dreaming // Of one day running a sourdough making workshop - wouldn't that be fun?

Welcome to this month's Here & Now! This link up is open from today until midnight on the 17th. Remember that there is now a gorgeous new button for you to grab, and you can now join in two ways - either on your blog, or share your Here & Now on Instagram! The instructions on how to Instagram your Here & Now are below, but here are the guidelines for blogging:

Copy and paste the list below, create your blog post, then pop back here and add your link! (Remember to link back here in your post, too.) You can include the new button in your blog post this month too, if you like (or pop it on your side bar!). Get the code here.

Copy & Paste....

Loving //
Eating //
Drinking //
Feeling //
Making //
Thinking //
Dreaming //

To share on Instagram, pick up to 3 prompts from the list above and post them on Instagram with the tag #hereandnowSLH. You can tag me @SayLittleHen too if you like.

I can't wait to see your posts! Thank-you so much for joining in. Remember to spread the link-up love by visiting the other participants :-)

The link up is open until the midnight on the 17th.

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