Spring's Rhythm

Spring arrived very softly this season, and the early mornings are damp and dewy, with a definite hint of humidity that warns of a warm day on the way. The chickens are laying wonderfully again, inspired by the warmer weather no doubt. Delicious fruits are being enjoyed from little road side stalls - watermelons, pawpaw, pineapple and always bananas.

The days are lengthening out nicely and I'm trying to hold onto these days for as long as I can, before the scorching heat arrives in about a month.
The cumquat tree is covered in blooms, which smell so deliciously sweet and fragrant, so much unlike the sour fruit that it will bear. I catch whiffs of the lemon flowers, too, each evening when I lock the chickens in after their afternoon forage.

The young silkies are growing up - this group was dubbed "the Pom-poms" for that is what they looked like as younger chicks. (You can spot them in June on Film). Now they are blossoming into young pullets and cockerels, with some looking decidedly awkward and oddly proportioned through this short teenage phase. As some personalities begin to stand out and their genders are becoming known I've begun naming them - so far there is Blackbird (the one in the first photo after the lemon), Sooty (photo after Blackbird), Honeycomb and Olive. I'm fairly sure the rusty winged cockerel will receive the original name of Rusty.

And so the seasons roll along and we're heading towards the end of the year once more, faster than I can keep track of.

Are there any subtle changes happening at your place that signal the changing seasons?
I hope you're having a good weekend!

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