The Bookish Knitter's Society | Volume 4 is here!


The Bookish Knitter’s Society is back! For Volume 4 I’ve created Interwreathe - a very cosy design that is as easy to wear as a cowl, but has the warmth and appearance of a small shawl.

This is the fourth time the Society KAL has run, and as I know so many of you are seasoned Bookish Knitter’s Society members, I’ve included the info about what we’re making and reading this time immediately below.

If you’re new here (welcome!), scroll on for more details as to what the whole Society entails!

What are we knitting in Volume 4?

I’m so excited to be sharing this pattern with you! For Volume 4 I created a very cosy, textured cowl/mini shawl.

Interwreathe: To intertwine, to wreath together.

When the days are cold and you need added warmth and cosiness, Interwreathe is the perfect accessory.
Interwreathe is easy to wear - perfect if you struggle with styling shawls but want something more than a cowl.

An easy stitch repeat of knits and purls creates a textured pattern that undulates and intertwines together, mimicking woven textures.

The detail of the false-button closure (there are no buttonholes!) makes Interwreathe very easy to wear and simple to knit.

Skill Level: Suitable for confident beginners +. Interwreathe combines knits and purls in a simple pattern repeat, with a neat i-cord edging that is knit as you go. Knit flat (back and forth); there is a small seam to sew at the end.

You have two versions to choose from: Interwreathe, knit in chunky 14ply, or Interwreathe Light, knit in 8ply/DK.

What are we reading in Volume 4?

This time we're changing style to enjoy a 'book for booklovers' by Australian author Emma Young. The Last Bookshop is set in Perth, Australia and is a light, enjoyable read (with more depth than I initially expected).

If you’re planning on joining the Bookish Knitter’s Society (I do hope so!), I recommend grabbing a copy of the book as soon as you can. Ask at your local library or your favourite bookshop. If shopping online from Australia or New Zealand I can highly recommend Booktopia.

How do I join?

Everyone is welcome and sign-ups are open now - you’ll find several options for joining. At the moment, sign-ups are open on a preorder option with shipping commencing on the 8th of May.

We officially begin on Friday the 26th of May - this is the day we cast on and start reading the first chapter. So that we have time to enjoy the book and our knitting, I’m giving the knit along a lovely long timeline. The KAL officially ends on the 21st of July but it’s totally ok if you’re still knitting/reading by then!

The Bookish Knitter’s Society comes in a box for you to enjoy, which includes the yarn and exclusive knitting pattern, some delicious Australian tea and beautiful handmade ceramic buttons. I also like to include a bonus recipe in the welcome pack!

There is also an option that doesn’t include yarn and even a Digital Only option, to suit as many people as possible.

You’ll need to organise a copy of the book, no matter which option you choose. Just like last time, I find this works best as you may already have a copy, you might borrow it from your library, or visit your local bookstore.

If you’re shopping online from Australia or New Zealand, I can highly recommend grabbing a copy from Booktopia.

Sign up here.

What is the Society all about?

The Bookish Knitter’s Society indulges my love of all things cosy - reading, knitting and tea. The Society is something everyone is welcome to join.
I’ve combined the best bits of a book club and yarn club to bring you this fun knit-along.

Members of the Society enjoy knitting a new, exclusive pattern whilst we also read a book I’ve selected - just like you would in a book club!

Like all things Say! Little Hen, everyone is welcome in the Society. It’s a fun, laidback and friendly atmosphere. There’s no pressure to finish your project by a certain time - you don’t even have to read the book if it’s not your cup of tea.

Speaking of tea, there’s a hint of that in the Club, too.

We always have so much fun so I’m really excited to kick off the Society for 2023.

Don’t forget to sign-up by choosing one of the options, then come and join us in the Facebook group!

Have questions? Email me, I’m happy to help!

Happy knitting,
