Porridge Days

April is here and the delicious weather with it - porridge days they should be called as they are not too hot and not too cold, but

just right

(just like Baby Bear's porridge in the Goldie Locks story). I've been snapping photos here and there and doing lots of knitting, but never quite finding the time to put the photos together with words here on this blog until this afternoon.

I feel like I've hit a new rhythm with my knitting lately. One where extra patience has kicked in as I'm happy to take the slower route of playing with swatches and colours before commencing work on a new design. In between that, I'm working on personal projects that have been on my list for a while.


rainbow shawl

is coming along nicely and deserves a post all on its own I think, so I've left it out of this one. I have another

Maple scarf

on my needles as part of the


and I've been swatching for a new design which I'll start work on as soon as Maple is finished.

I've also been making

mug cosies with chickens

on them, the one pictured was busy soaking in water before being blocked.

Now that the heat and dryness of summer have passed and we've been lucky enough to receive a decent amount of rain, my thoughts have turned to the garden again. There are sweet peas shooting and potatoes appearing - happy volunteers that I will leave to their own devices. There is also a self-sown pumpkin branching down the side of the veggie box and making its way out onto the lawn. I'm planning to pull out all the grass that's choking everything in and throw in some seeds - carrots, radishes, peas and flowers to start with.

What's been happening in your world lately?

Are you enjoying porridge weather?

I hope you're doing some things you love this weekend, too.


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