Here & Now | August 2018 Link Up

It's Here & Now time again! I'm feeling pretty pleased that I remembered to get my post up on the 10th for the first time in several months - things are looking up!

I love reading your Here & Now posts so please join in!

Loving //

Checking the garden each morning to see if anything new has sprouted. My sweet peas have their first true leaves and the broad beans have put in an appearance.

Eating //

Delicious dark, rich chocolate bean brownies.

Made with actual beans!

You'd never guess. (The recipe is in

Petite Kitchen


Drinking //


Feeling //

Excited, and a tad nervous, about a new project I've just launched. It's called Yarnologie and is a digital magazine. (More about that





Making //

 A rainbow coloured

Darling Dots beanie

- I'm knitting the rib band at the moment but will get to add the first colours soon. I knitted a swatch first to make sure that the colours I'd chosen work together, and now I'm excited to get it knitted into a beanie. I'm using

Nettle Sock yarn

for this project.

Thinking //

 How crazy August can moment its warm days and the next there's frost on everything and a low temperature all day.

Dreaming //

Of a kitchen that stays tidy for a whole day...I might be dreaming about that one for a while!

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