I'm Opening a Yarn Shop

Do you remember that secret pink yarn that I shared a little while ago? I said on Instagram that it was probably the smallest, but most exciting, order of yarn I had received in the post.
The reason for this is, that I am going to be opening an online yarn shop!! I really cannot quite believe that I have just typed those words.

I'll be adding the section to my already existing shop, and so very soon alongside my knitting patterns you'll also find delicious yarn too. It's something I've wanted to do for quite a long time, and I had it on my mental "one day I'll do that list". For some reason, at the very end of 2016, I decided to pull that dream off the one day list and put it onto the "this year" list. I began plotting, planning and researching. And here we are. Nearly at opening day.

I didn't want to just stock any yarn in my shop. I wanted to stock a yarn of excellent quality, one that was divine to knit with and had you reaching for your needles at the very sight of it. And above all I wanted to find an Australian yarn, and really hoped to find something organic. And I have!

I can't wait for you to meet the delicious organic yarn that will be the first member of my new venture. It's really, really lovely to work with. And being organic just makes you feel good about it - and it also means that it is of course very high quality, because (as I know from personal experience), organically farmed animals have to be kept in very high health, as the farmers don't have the arsenal of chemicals and drugs to fall back on to prop their livestock up with.

What do those healthy, organic woolly sheep mean for us yarn lovers? A superior end product.

I've been knitting with my pink yarn practically from the moment it arrived and I can't get enough of it. Such a delight to knit with. I've created a pattern using the yarn too, which I will be publishing shortly. I've also got plans for knitting a sweet woolen Tea Mouse from the yarn, and then there's the cardigan I plan to knit this winter, and the beanie I want to design....all this woolly goodness is almost too exciting! I can't wait to share with you the yarn I love.

My yarn sample cards are ready and waiting, as I thought some of you may like to see the colours in person before ordering, and pat the delicious yarn yourself. Aside from that, a colour card of yarn is such a pretty thing to have and makes colour-work project planning easier.

So, if you're wondering what I'm up to at the moment you now know that I'm here, not so patiently awaiting my first shipment of wool for my very own shop.

PS If you would like to pre-order a yarn sample card, just go here. They are $5 for a sample of 5 colours, with free shipping Aus wide. Pre-ordered samples will be shipped as soon as my stock arrives x

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