Join Me In A 2016 Creative Review | #makesof2016

Tomorrow I'm going to be putting up a post about all of the things I've knitted this year. It's like a "makes of 2016 round-up" or a creative review. I really love reflecting at this time of year, and I thought you might like to, too.
So in my post tomorrow I'm going to add a linky at the bottom, so that if you'd like to write a blog post about the things you made this year, feel free to pop over here and leave the link to that post in the link-up. I think it will be fun to have a look at a round-up of everyone's makes for 2016.

And if you haven't got a blog, maybe you could make a photo grid on Instagram and use the tag #makesof2016 - you're welcome to add the link to your Instagram post to the link-up too!

This is obvious, but I thought I'd say it anyway - this is a Creative Review of ANY craft, so don't be fooled by the knitting picture! Whatever you've made this year, we all want to see it!

There are no rules - this is purely for fun! Of course it would be nice if you linked back to my post in yours, so that others who might like to join in can find out where to come. But your entire post is completely up to you!

If you're stuck for ideas here are a few (but they're not rules remember!) -

- If you're a super crafter and feel like a year's worth of projects is too much for one post, why not create a "favourite makes of the year" post instead? You can have a crafty countdown
- If putting in an individual photo for every project is making your post a mammoth, create a collage (or more if needed) instead. (I'll be doing this). A free online tool like Picmonkey is good for the task and easy to use
- Include a few things you'd like to try making next year
- Include what your favourite material/supply was to work with, perhaps a new crafty tool you've been using this year, or highlight your favourite project
- If you're a pattern designer, include a round-up of all the designs you published in 2016 (I'll also be doing this)

As you can see this is really flexible and is going to be lots of fun! I didn't realise how much I'd knitted until I sat down to put a collage together. It made me feel really happy.

I'll be leaving the link-up open until 1st January 2017 AEST, so that if you're in a different timezone there's plenty of time for you to join in by December 31st in your time zone.

Will you be joining? I'd love to see your makes of 2016!

See you tomorrow!

Go to this post to add your link

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