
January is nearly gone, and we head into the last month of summer. This season has gone quickly for me, bringing the rain that we had hoped for and hot long days filled with the sounds of cicadas.
The sheep are shedding their wool quickly in this heat, rubbing along fences and trees and anything else they can find. The ewes are due to lamb in June, I'm excited for lambing already!

Even though summer is still well and truly with us I am already thinking ahead to my Autumn garden. Time wise it's not that far away and I enjoy forward planning when it comes to the garden. It's time to move the chickens into most of the patches to clear them out for a good few weeks before I start planting heaps of veggies in March. The pumpkin vine is beginning to flower, and also beginning to put it's plan of garden takeover into action. I'm keeping a watchful eye on it though, and have it pointed towards a trellis. I'll just have to make sure it climbs up. The sunflowers are about to bloom too. And the zucchinis that I thought had given up living are beginning to flower again, along with the cucumber being covered in little yellow blooms too. So hopefully we're in for another glut of zucchinis and cucumbers soon!
Also from the garden have been more Rosellas. The last bucket I collected I dried for tea...but perhaps I'll write about that another day. I'm planning a batch of jam with the next harvest.

Other midsummer things include overgrown grass, waking up to the sound of thunder, keeping an eye out for snakes, long nights and the constant whir of ceiling fans. It also makes your sourdough rise quickly and as a result my loaf today over proved and came out of the oven a little flat. Never mind.

What's happening in your patch right now?
Are you making plans for your garden or harvesting anything?
Maybe it's cold where you are?
Stay warm or cool and have a lovely evening!

Sarah x

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