Little Things

With a New Year usually comes talk about the big things people want to achieve in the next 12 months. Big year, big plans, big goals.
Whilst all of that is great, lately I have been focusing on the little things in my world. Whether proportionally small, or a fleeting moment, it is the little things in life that generally act as the small steps and building blocks to create the bigger picture.

Here are just a handful of little things I have noticed lately. The first three photos were captured with the macro lens, they look much larger in a photograph than they are really.

1. These tiny blooms of the Cherry Pie Plant have the most heavenly scent. They smell of vanilla and it's tempting to taste one sometimes, but they are for decoration only

2. A tiny thumb-size frog was watching me hang out the washing one morning this week

3. Raindrops cling to passionfruit vines in the prettiest way

4. Toadstools beginning to emerge in the mulch in front of the sheep shed

Are you noticing big things or little things in your world as we start a new year?

Thank-you for your kind comments and emails on my last post of 2015. I love hearing your stories, your feedback and it thrills me so much every time you take the time to leave a comment or send an email to tell me how much you enjoy it here. So from the bottom of my heart, thank-you!

Have a lovely weekend,
Sarah x

For those of you who want to know, my macro lens is a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro, mounted as usual on my Canon 550D. The last image is shot with my Canon EF 50mm f/1.4

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