Sheep & Their Love of Apples

I remembered  that when the sheep first came home I quieted them with apples. I used to sit near them in the paddock with a bag of apples and a knife, and slice up pieces and toss it to them. They'd go running after those apples with such excitement that they didn't notice, or didn't care, that they were slowly getting closer to me. They loved their apples.
However by the time I remembered that they loved apples, it was too late.

Do you remember those blushing apples I proudly showed you? Yes well, the sheep enjoyed them. And they enjoyed the leaves surrounding them too. There's nothing but a bunch of bare twigs left sticking out of the ground. Our little apple tree has been munched to nothing by those greedy woolly creatures.

The reason they have access to the apple, and the other young fruit trees come to think of it, is that we rolled out some electric mesh and moved them in the graze around the trees, and in the land around the chicken pen/veggie garden. They were allowed to nibble at the natives and arrowroot. The pigeon peas have been pruned up to sheep height, which I knew would happen and was happy for them to do. They've been weeding and grass mowing. With their very full, round tummies you think they could have left the apple alone! But no, those cheeky wee lambs somehow knocked the cage over and got it off the apple tree - both of them - and they had a jolly afternoon feast yesterday.

Never mind. Lesson learned. Don't underestimate a sheep and their love for apples.

Have a good weekend!

Sarah x

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