Home Grown
It's a grey wet winter's day here. It' been like this, off and on, for the last few weeks. A mixture of cold winds, damp days and some actual rain.
I'm supposed to be planting veggie seeds, planning a tea party menu, finishing my Pixie Bonnet pattern, photographing new stock, waking up my sourdough starter, bathing a dog (or two), picking veggies for dinner, skimming thick cream off the top of milk and a heap of other things.
But instead I'm taking a minute here to share some of the home grown happenings in my kitchen for Celia's monthly kitchen tour.
Speaking of the garden, there has been a lot of produce coming out of it lately both for us and the animals. (The pigs just love fresh celery!).
This basket was filled with frilly lettuce, parsley, squash, celery, silver beet (swiss chard) and the first of our kale. Tonight we'll be having more kale and a heap of snow peas with dinner.
Milk. Common enough, but magical stuff that we don't stop to admire nearly enough. I took a minute to feel proud of it one morning as I put nearly seven litres into the fridge.
What's happening in your kitchen this month?
I hope there are some good things happening for you right now.
Sarah xx