A Multi-Patch Novelty Throw

 After frogging my vintage sweater I just didn't have the heart to cast it back on again. I looked through my books to try to find a fun project that I could complete quickly and easily, hoping it would rekindle my desire to knit my sweater.
Nothing took my fancy, so I continued work on my Mitred Blanket for a little while.
Then last weekend it was stormy and raining (due to the Cyclone) and I was looking through one of my chests of yarn (yes, I have a chest, plus various other containers. No, I'm not a yarnaholic) when I rediscovered my stash of novelty yarns and my stack of squares that I had knitted.
A few years ago I went through a stage of buying a ball or two of any novelty yarn that took my fancy and just knitting them into squares to see what the yarn looked like, intending to turn said squares into a blanket. I can't really remember just when or why I abandoned the project, especially considering it was almost finished.

So over the weekend I knitted up the few remaining balls, tucked in the ends on each square and spent 40 minutes arranging the squares until I was satisfied with the way it looked. I find it very peaceful to sew by hand and really enjoyed assembling it.


To be honest, I didn't think I'd like the blanket at all. Novelty yarns aren't my thing any more. I simply finished it because I thought all that knitting was a waste if I left it sitting there, unassembled.
After arranging the squares I was hopeful that it would look better than I had originally thought, and then as I started to sew the blanket together I began to really like it. I actually love the end result and am so happy that I finally got it finished off. Small as it it, it's a lovely little throw to cuddle up with with a book and a cup of tea.
And after completing it I think I might be ready to return to my sweater.


I'm joining Ginny for the Yarn Along.

What are you up to?

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend,
Sarah x